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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
Soap Builds Hope

Soap Builds Hope

by Michael Ford 27 November 2020

Soap has been such a feature of all our lives this year. Around the world it has protected people from Covid-19 and Christian Aid partners have provided soap or access to nearly 250,000 people to help reduce the spread of coronavirus.

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Restoring a place for the homeless

Restoring a place for the homeless

by Michael Ford 27 November 2020

As our churches partner with local organisations to help the needy, Poole homeless charity Routes to Roots confirms that restoration work at its future permanent base continues to make progress.

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The First-ever National Christingle Service

The First-ever National Christingle Service

by Michael Ford 27 November 2020

Memories of a special Christingle here in this Diocese feature heavily in the Duchess of Gloucester’s recollections of Christingles past.

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New Team Rector for Dorchester

New Team Rector for Dorchester

by Michael Ford 27 November 2020

The licensing of the new Team Rector for Dorchester and the Winterbournes, the Revd Keith Magee, went ahead as planned at St Peter’s Church on Sunday 22nd November at 3.00pm.

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A vision for the 2020s

A vision for the 2020s

by Michael Ford 27 November 2020

We must change to become a ‘simpler, humbler, bolder Church’ – that was the message from the Archbishops to General Synod.

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Overseas Aid - have we not learned?

Overseas Aid - have we not learned?

by Michael Ford 25 November 2020

Bishop Nicholas has spoken out against the government’s decision to cut Overseas Aid. Speaking shortly after Rishi Sunak’s announcement that came as part of government's spending plans for the next year, Bishop Nicholas said: “Have we not learned that this pandemic needs a global response from us?

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No more 1 in 3

No more 1 in 3

by Michael Ford 20 November 2020

The Mothers’ Union is marking the 16 Days of Activism Campaign Against Gender Based Violence from 25th November to 10th December 2020.

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Your National Church needs YOU

Your National Church needs YOU

by Michael Ford 20 November 2020

Church leaders have welcomed the opportunity for people nationally to respond to an independent review on Government engagement with faith communities, which will help to shape relationships now and in the future.

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Stir-up Sunday 2020

Stir-up Sunday 2020

by Michael Ford 20 November 2020

This Sunday is ‘Stir-up Sunday’, the day when traditionally families gather together to prepare the Christmas pudding.

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Speaking out for the Deaf

Speaking out for the Deaf

by Michael Ford 20 November 2020

Our Chaplain to the Deaf Community, the Revd Neil Robinson, has recorded an engaging video in British Sign Language (BSL) on Zoom, with a voiceover translation into English by an interpreter.

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