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New Team Rector for Dorchester

by Michael Ford last modified 27 Nov, 2020 09:01 PM

The licensing of the new Team Rector for Dorchester and the Winterbournes, the Revd Keith Magee, went ahead as planned at St Peter’s Church on Sunday 22nd November at 3.00pm.

The Institution, Induction and Installation Service was conducted by the Bishop of Salisbury, and only 5 others attended – the Archdeacon, St Peter’s Churchwardens, the Patron’s representative, and Keith himself.

Keith says:

"I was born in Northern Ireland but moved to England over 30 years ago. Before I was ordained I did a variety of jobs from bus driver to school teacher.

"I trained for ordination at Westcott House in Cambridge and Seabury-Western Theological Seminary in Chicago. I was ordained in 2001 in Chelmsford diocese where I was a Curate in South Woodham Ferrers and Vicar of St John’s, Moulsham.

"For the past 8 and a half years I have been in Leicester Diocese, firstly as Vicar of St Mary Magdalen, Knighton and in my present parish as Vicar of St Peter’s, Braunstone Park.

"I am very much looking forward to being Team Rector of Dorchester and the Winterbournes and the rewards and challenges that it brings."

New Rector for Dorchester- Keith Magee with Churchwardens
Keith Magee with Churchwardens

A collection was taken to support the people of South Sudan and Sudan, and donations were encouraged via, Gift Aided when possible.

The service was streamed so that it could be seen as a public service, and participants could join in at home.

View it on YouTube here.

The service sheet is available here.

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