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Renewing Hope

by glynch last modified 12 May, 2020 10:31 AM

Our Diocesan Vision is:

The Renewing Hope Prayer (web)

Hope is a defining characteristic of the Christian Church, founded upon the saving work of God in Christ. This hope, for the renewal of all things in the coming Kingdom of Heaven, gives meaning and purpose to the life of each Christian community. To renew hope, then, is to refresh our Christian vision, so we may see the Kingdom come.

Click here for Refreshing our Vision, the journey we have collectively embarked on; who and how we serve; our priorities for growth; how our ambitions need to be supported by a sustainable financial framework; and our Diocesan commitments.

Click the links below for more on our 3 priorities:

Transforming Lives and Communities 

Collaborative Leadership 

Discipleship and Evangelism

There are more pages here:

A brief history

Reviewing Hope

Supporting papers

Deanery visits 2015

Document Actions