Supporting papers
Michael Ford
last modified
12 May, 2020 10:03 AM
Click here for a report on our next steps along this path, prior to 'Refreshing Our Vision'.
Here are two papers setting out some of the steps we are taking, endorsed by Diocesan Synod.
- The overall Vision for the Diocese, which looks at how parishes, schools and deaneries might be helped to achieve their plans by the Diocese’s leaders:
Renewing Hope Vision
- Our strategic direction for discipleship, vocations and ministry:
Renewing Hope Strategy - Discipleship Vocations Ministry
There are other strategies in development to implement the vision of Renewing Hope – Pray, Serve, Grow.
Click here for the Diocesan Church Buildings Policy approved by Diocesan Synod in November 2016.
Additional background reading:
External Environment, Salisbury 2020
The Gladwin Report- feedback from Diocesan Synod
The Gladwin Report- consolidated feedback
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