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Your National Church needs YOU

by Michael Ford last modified 20 Nov, 2020 10:41 PM

Church leaders have welcomed the opportunity for people nationally to respond to an independent review on Government engagement with faith communities, which will help to shape relationships now and in the future.

And they are encouraging people to get involved and make their voices heard.

The review, which predates the Covid-19 pandemic, will nonetheless inform how government engages with faith groups during the Covid-19 recovery phase and beyond.

The Bishop of London, Sarah Mullally, who leads the Church of England’s Recovery Group, said:

“Faith is at the heart of so many of our communities, across the length and breadth of the country.

“This welcome consultation from the Government is an opportunity to demonstrate and explore how faith enriches and empowers our lives and our relationships with one another.

“I believe it can play a fundamental role in building a stronger, more tolerant society for the future.

“I would urge as many people as possible to get involved by responding to the consultation, ensuring that the voices of our faith communities are heard.”

Colin Bloom, the Faith Engagement Adviser at the Ministry for Housing Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) is leading a review into how best the Government should engage with faith groups in England.

He will make recommendations to the Communities Secretary about how the government can best celebrate and support the contribution of faith groups, break down barriers and promote acceptance between faiths, and promote shared values while tackling cultures
and practices that are harmful.

This Call for Evidence aims to collect views from the public and from experts in the subject; these views will help underpin this review’s recommendations.

The last few months have been very challenging for places of worship and people of faith.

The significant restrictions that have been put in place to control the spread of the virus have limited people’s ability to worship, practice and celebrate their faith as they normally would.

This review began before the Covid-19 pandemic, but it is timely as the recommendations may well come to strengthen how Government engages with faith groups during the Covid-19 recovery phase and beyond.

The call for evidence will pose a series of questions around how those of all faiths, or none, perceive the Government’s engagement with faith organisations.

Because the review is specifically about faith and religion, priority will be given to responses that fit within those parameters. However, space is given for respondents to share their views in a way that they feel is appropriate.

This consultation will last for 4 weeks from 13th November until 11th December 2020.

To take part, click here.

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