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Soap Builds Hope

by Michael Ford last modified 27 Nov, 2020 09:02 PM

Soap has been such a feature of all our lives this year. Around the world it has protected people from Covid-19 and Christian Aid partners have provided soap or access to nearly 250,000 people to help reduce the spread of coronavirus.

Soap is building resilience in different ways. In Ethiopia where the climate crisis is hitting hard, soap is changing the life of mother-of-3 Kumana Kurasho (26, pictured) who has been trained in soap-making by Christian Aid using the drought resistant aloe vera plant native to the area, and which thrives where other crops fail.

She said: “When we relied only on crop production to feed our families, things were too hard. Everyone is searching for additional income
because it is the only way we can survive.

“The money from our soap production is not only for food, but also for clothes and teaching materials for my children. Because of the soap, many more people travel to our village, then buy other goods as well. We need support for other women, so they can be like us!”

Traditionally we give and receive a lot of soap at Christmas. Sometimes those soap gifts sit unused at the back of a drawer.

Here are some suggestions from Christian Aid:

  • Every time you wash your hands, please pray - whether for Kumana and her community in Ethiopia, or for those in need that you know.
  • If you want to gift some soap to someone else in your church, do encourage them to do the same.
  • Have you tried soap carving, maybe even to hang on your Christmas tree?
  • Local media love to hear positive news from their area. Please take a photo of something you are doing with soap and share it on social media with the hashtag #soapbuildshope.
  • Hold a virtual Christian Aid Christmas Service using the resources at
  • Hold a virtual collection for Christian Aid using Just Giving
  • Are you looking for a unique Christmas gift? Why not give the gift of soap-making so more women like Kumana can transform their lives and build a hopeful future for their families?

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