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No more 1 in 3

by Michael Ford last modified 20 Nov, 2020 10:42 PM

The Mothers’ Union is marking the 16 Days of Activism Campaign Against Gender Based Violence from 25th November to 10th December 2020.

16 Days is an international campaign, taking place each year from 25th November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) until 10th December (International Human Rights Day).

Throughout the campaign, the Mothers’ Union movement joins with other organisations from approximately 187 countries who participate in the campaign, to raise awareness of - and call for an end to - gender-based violence in all forms and in all societies.

Here are some facts:
1 in 3 - Around the world, 1 in 3 women has been beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused in her lifetime
1 in 10 - 1 in 10 women has experienced some form of sexual violence since the age of 15
1 in 20 - 1 in 20 women has been raped
2 a week, dead - 2 women are killed in the UK every week by a current or former male partner

Diocesan President Rosie Stiven (pictured) says:

"As part of our Diocesan campaign this year, and our continuing support of Salisbury Women’s Refuge, we will be holding a ‘virtual’ Service of the Word on Zoom led by our MU Chaplain, Revd Joanna Naish, on Tuesday 1st December at 12 noon.

"All are welcome and if you would like to join in this Service, please email ."

On Saturday 5th December from 9am, Mothers’ Union begins a virtual Global Day of Action. For full details of the day’s programme, please go to and search for '16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence: Global'.

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