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A vision for the 2020s

by Michael Ford last modified 27 Nov, 2020 09:01 PM

We must change to become a ‘simpler, humbler, bolder Church’ – that was the message from the Archbishops to General Synod.

Launching "A Vision for the Church of England in the 2020s", the Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell said that the Church of England is called to be the church for all people in all places.

In the Vision Statement he said:

"We believe that if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation. This is how things change. It happens when we are in Christ. It is this desire for us to be Christ centred and Jesus shaped which is the simple message we believe God is calling us to bear to the Church; then through the Church to change the world."

The Vision listed the 3 ambitions for the whole Church as:

  1. Simpler, because we are not as big a church as we used to be, and there might be too much bureaucracy, and the work of the simplification agenda has been an important feature of our synodical life in recent years. As other groups in the church look at our governance structure and other areas of our life, this simplicity must shine through.
  2. Humbler, because we are having face our failures, and this isn’t easy. The IICSA report has held up a very shaming mirror to the Church of England and we must with great haste move this agenda forwards and become a safe church. We also need to recognise that we are not the only Christian show in town. We need to work with our other denominations, and where appropriate with other faiths and with all people of good will. We must learn to live within our means.
  3. Bolder, because the love of Christ compels us. We have a gospel to proclaim and we live and minister in a world of much pain and confusion. The things that have been entrusted to us in Christ are the very things the world needs, showing people the beauty and the purposes of Christ and building his kingdom in the world. Our determination to be carbon neutral by 2030 could be the first of a number of prophetic gestures we make to the world, showing the world that with God all things are possible, and that, in Christ, God has a vision for every person and a vision for the world.

Read 'A Vision for the Church of England in the 2020s here.

Watch Archbishop Stephen talk about the vision here.

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