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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
Seeing the Needs

Seeing the Needs

by Michael Ford 15 January 2021

Free school meals hit the headlines this week and some of the organisations our parishes and schools work with are speaking out about the needs they are seeing.

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Count Us In

Count Us In

by Michael Ford 15 January 2021

Seeking to keep eco matters at the top of the agenda is always a challenge, but there is a continuing groundswell of support for campaigns such as Count Us In, launched internationally on 1st January 2021 and endorsed by Bishop Nicholas.

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Prayers of Hope for the World

Prayers of Hope for the World

by Michael Ford 15 January 2021

We are invited, as churches and Christians, to pray together about themes of peace, planet, poverty, pandemic response, politics, justice, poverty and people, ahead of the 2022 Lambeth Conference.

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Minster Pancake Race Cancelled

Minster Pancake Race Cancelled

by Michael Ford 15 January 2021

Across our Diocese, fundraising and community-gathering events are having to be cancelled as lockdown continues. This has left many parishes struggling for funding for their ministry and mission.

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Daily hope and encouragement

Daily hope and encouragement

by Michael Ford 15 January 2021

With another national lockdown in England now in place, and many choosing to close their doors to face to face worship, the DailyHOPE telephone line helps older, vulnerable, isolated and those people who cannot or choose not to access worship online to engage on the telephone.

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A State of Climate Emergency

A State of Climate Emergency

by Michael Ford 15 January 2021

Dorset Council has declared a Climate and Ecological Emergency and called for feedback from the public as soon as possible.

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Role modelling

Role modelling

by Michael Ford 15 January 2021

Repeated lockdowns are taking their toll, but many in our parishes are addressing issues of 'Covid fatigue' in ingenious, proven ways.

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Learning and exploring

Learning and exploring

by Michael Ford 15 January 2021

In this mainly rural Diocese, schools and parishes often work together in ways that make the most of the local area, foster faith and learning, and offer suitable challenges.

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Remembering... Canon Peter Ball

Remembering... Canon Peter Ball

by Michael Ford 15 January 2021

Colin Brady writes: A long-serving member of the Salisbury-Évreux link, Canon Peter Ball, died this afternoon (15th January 2021).

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New Bishop’s Adviser for Associate Ministry

New Bishop’s Adviser for Associate Ministry

by Michael Ford 15 January 2021

The Revd Julian Poppleton acts as a champion of associate ministry in and beyond the diocese, advising the Bishop on all aspects of associate ministry. He encourages, supports and enables the ministry of our Associate (self-supporting) Ministers.

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