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Prayers of Hope for the World

by Michael Ford last modified 15 Jan, 2021 07:01 PM

We are invited, as churches and Christians, to pray together about themes of peace, planet, poverty, pandemic response, politics, justice, poverty and people, ahead of the 2022 Lambeth Conference.

The Lambeth Conference Prayer journey - sharing 'Prayers of Hope for the World' - features prayers from bishops, clergy and laity from around the Anglican Communion.

These prayers of hope invite churches and Christians to pray together about themes of peace, planet, poverty, pandemic response, politics, justice, poverty and people.

The bible reading for the week is 1 Peter chapter 1, verses 3-9. 1 Peter is the biblical focus for the Lambeth Conference, and the Anglican Cycle of Prayer is also featured.

There is a daily sample below.

Thursday 14th January 2020
Today we pray for the planet

Prayers of Hope for the World- Today we pray for the planet

Bishop Ellinah Wamukoya.
Praying from Swaziland, Southern Africa.

Creator God, we thank and praise you for giving us the opportunity to be co-creators with you and to ensure the sustainability of “Mother Earth,” our meeting place with God. God as a community of Father, Son and Holy Spirit teach us as the Anglican community to work together for mutual respect with one another and your creation. We repent for our negligence leading the earth to be in peril from loss of habitats and species. Help us to be caretakers of your gifts, protecting the land from abuse, and ready to share with all in need. Amen.

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