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Home News New Bishop’s Adviser for Associate Ministry

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New Bishop’s Adviser for Associate Ministry

by Michael Ford last modified 15 Jan, 2021 06:59 PM

The Revd Julian Poppleton acts as a champion of associate ministry in and beyond the diocese, advising the Bishop on all aspects of associate ministry. He encourages, supports and enables the ministry of our Associate (self-supporting) Ministers.

Julian studied Geography at Durham, though many understandably thought it was Music! He ran his college chapel choir and has continued to be involved in choral music throughout his life, in many beautiful settings and to diverse audiences. He is often to be found deputising for the Precentor in Winchester Cathedral and has a long association with music in worship in Salisbury.

After teaching in Andover, Julian retrained to teach RE, later studying for ordination (2002) at STETS whilst working at King Edward VI School, Southampton. He pioneered the role of school chaplain, seeking to be a caring and approachable pastor to those of faith and of none, modelling and witnessing a loving Christ to the community.

Julian left King Edward’s in 2020, partly to take up caring responsibilities, and having been "greatly blessed, enriched and frequently humbled by the pupils and colleagues I sought to serve."

During the past Covid year Julian has been increasingly busy in the parish, as the nominated singer when rules permitted and enjoying learning to livestream and help with online and open-air worship. Constructing a virtual carol service for the parish YouTube channel - with over 20 individual singers edited together to form a choir - certainly tested his skill set and endurance!

Julian says:

"There has rarely been a more exciting time as the Church reimagines itself and how all the people of God can fulfil their vocation!"

He is thrilled to be involved in the developing scope and importance of Associate (also known as Self-Supported) Ministry in this Diocese and nationally. Membership of the National Network of SSM officers/ advisers has already given him valuable insight and hope for the future.

With this Diocese's tradition of being open to new ways of thinking and living out the Gospel, and a team of support officers and the archdeacons, Julian seeks to champion and support the distinctive ministry of associate clergy.

Having spent his lay and ordained life rooted in parish and cathedral worship and witness alongside work in secular settings, Julian is looking forward to learning from those across the Diocese whose ministry isn’t a traditional model, and is delighted that the understanding of lay and ordained ministry is evolving rapidly.

Julian is married to Libby and Salisbury has been their home since starting their careers as teachers. Romance blossomed as they worked on leading the music for The Way of the Cross 1988. Raising their now adult children, Sam and Alice, anchored them especially in the Harnham community where Julian is Associate Priest. Their shared love of music has been a source of much joy and a means to make many friends as well as engaging with many youngsters to explore church and Christian ideas.

His contact page is here.

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