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Daily hope and encouragement

by Michael Ford last modified 15 Jan, 2021 07:01 PM

With another national lockdown in England now in place, and many choosing to close their doors to face to face worship, the DailyHOPE telephone line helps older, vulnerable, isolated and those people who cannot or choose not to access worship online to engage on the telephone.

Since its launch, the DailyHOPE telephone service has seen around 400,000 people calling the line, many on a regular basis, totalling over 4 million minutes of call time in just 10 months.

The telephone service is continuing, and the DailyHOPE team continues to offer new monthly content on Option 3.

In January, there are a number of reflections from Louise Morse, a Christian author and speaker. Louise will be exploring how we approach 2021 with a spirit of hope, especially with much uncertainty about the future.

In February, DailyHOPE will be offering material around the whole area of sleep, and how it has been affected in the lockdown.

In March, the daily content will guide callers through Lent, preparing them for Easter.

DailyHOPE is available 24 hours a day and is free from all UK landlines and mobiles. The telephone number is 0800 804 8044.

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