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Count Us In

by Michael Ford last modified 15 Jan, 2021 07:02 PM

Seeking to keep eco matters at the top of the agenda is always a challenge, but there is a continuing groundswell of support for campaigns such as Count Us In, launched internationally on 1st January 2021 and endorsed by Bishop Nicholas.

The Count Us In campaign is being publicised by the likes of former UNFCCC* Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres, and has 16 steps for individuals and groups, to reduce carbon pollution and persuade others to do the same.

These range from 'easy wins' such as talking to friends about the campaign, to more challenging steps such as insulating your home.

The Bishop tweeted this week:

"My name is Nicholas Holtam, and I'm a stubborn optimist. An optimist because I have hope in the face of challenges. Stubborn because it is not easy. This Climate Crisis is serious. Please support CountUsInSOCIAL and follow developments. #takeastep."

Bishop Nicholas has tweeted in support of Count Us In

The Count Us In campaign was quick to respond, tweeting:

"We're SO excited to welcome the Bishop of Salisbury to the Count Us In #StubbornOptimists - people with passion coming together to help us protect what we love from #climatechange... Can we count *you* in?"

The Church of England's Environmental Campaign said:

"Great to see the Bishop of Salisbury asking us all to take a step to tackle the Climate Crisis. We've been asking churches to act, but individuals can act too. Will you say 'Count us in?'"

Environmental scientist Angela Terry said:

"This is such wonderful news as the Church of England can play such an influential role in encouraging and supporting Climate Action. Thanks to the Bishop of Salisbury and all the parishioners in the Diocese of Salisbury."

Count Us In recommends 16 steps to reduce carbon pollution and persuade others to do the same.

They are:

  1. Fly less- Reduce your plane travel to dramatically cut your carbon pollution (more here)
  2. Drive electric- Make your next car purchase an electric vehicle (more here)
  3. Insulate your home- Install or enhance the loft insulation in your home (more here)
  4. Wear clothes to last- Buy fewer new clothes and wear them for longer (more here)
  5. Tell your politicians- Ask politicians to act or invest to support our steps (more here)
  6. Walk and cycle more- Travel by bike or foot wherever you can (more here)
  7. Cut food waste- Reduce the amount of food that is wasted or thrown away in your home (more here)
  8. Green your money- Choose financial institutions and funds that invest responsibly (more here)
  9. Repair and re-use- Repair your belongings rather than buying new (more here)
  10. Dial it down- Turn down the heating in your home by a degree or more (more here)
  11. Speak up at work- Come together with colleagues to make change at a bigger scale (more here)
  12. Talk to friends- Start a conversation about Count Us In and encourage others to take a step (more here)
  13. Eat more plants- Reduce the amount of meat in your weekly diet (more here)
  14. Eat seasonal- Eat food produced at its natural time of the year (more here)
  15. Switch your energy- Move your home to a green energy supplier (more here)
  16. Get some solar- Install solar panels to generate energy for your home (more here)

*UNFCCC is the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

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