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Home News Minster Pancake Race Cancelled

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Minster Pancake Race Cancelled

by Michael Ford last modified 15 Jan, 2021 07:01 PM

Across our Diocese, fundraising and community-gathering events are having to be cancelled as lockdown continues. This has left many parishes struggling for funding for their ministry and mission.

Minster Pancake Race Cancelled

The Rector's Dash will have to wait till next time...

For the first time since Wimborne's Minster Pancake Race was revived in 1998 after an absence of over 16 years, it will not take place this year.

The Race should have been taking place on Shrove Tuesday 16th February, but due to the latest Covid-19 lockdown regulations, the organisers have reluctantly said there is no way it can be held.

Town Mayor 5 times over, Anthony Oliver - with the help of the then Minster Administrator, Peter Lockwood - revived the race when he was Town Mayor in 1998, and has usually organised the annual race with the help of a small committee.

He said:

“They would normally be approaching all the local schools and other groups and individuals at this time inviting them to take part in the races. As will be appreciated this is just not possible due to the current restrictions so it is with great regret we have to announce that this year’s Pancake Race cannot take place.

"The event was always seen as a great Community Event but it also raised some funds. When we originally revived the race in 1998 I was the Town Mayor and so the funds were raised for the Mayors Charities. It continued in this way until 2019 when we decided the money raised should go to Minster Funds as all those involved with the organisation were Minster people. We still involved the Mayor and Town Crier with starting the races!

"The sums raised ranged from the lowest in the first year 1998 of £55 to the highest in 2015 when £227 was raised. 2 years the weather has forced the event to be held inside the Minster both in 2018 and again last year but even then we raised £88 and £126 respectively. Over the years a total of almost £2500 has been raised.

"Each year we invite all local schools to take part along with the local pubs, organisations and individuals. Some local companies have also taken part.

"The date of Shrove Tuesday, which of course varies each year, has seen a good variety of weather and also sometimes it has been during half-term which has made a difference as to how many take part. The Press Release always brings competitors and the local Press, Radio Stations and TV have supported us over the years. So it really is a great shame to have to cancel the event this year but we can see no way round it."

Anthony thanked all who have supported the races over the years, and said, "All being well we will be back next year, the date of Tuesday 1st March 2022 is already in the diary."

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