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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM


by Michael Ford 9 October 2019

Ahead of Anti-Slavery Day on Friday 18th October, the Salvation Army is asking people to support a digital campaign to raise awareness of modern slavery in the UK.

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5,000 Flip Flops

5,000 Flip Flops

by Michael Ford 9 October 2019

Did you know that in the 10 years Weymouth Street Pastors have operated, they have given out nearly 5,000 pairs of flip flops?

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'Maps' for those bereaved by road fatalities

'Maps' for those bereaved by road fatalities

by Michael Ford 9 October 2019

Following on from the welcomed Service of Remembrance for those killed or injured on Dorset roads, Brake, the road safety charity, has given ‘maps’ to those recently bereaved by crashes in Dorset on how to deal with their loss.

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Ties that bring Hope

Ties that bring Hope

by Michael Ford 9 October 2019

Please would you look in your wardrobes to see if you have any unloved wide ties lurking in the corners?

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Home of the Holy Bees

Home of the Holy Bees

by Michael Ford 9 October 2019

A beehive has been set up in a far corner of the churchyard at St Nicholas' Worth Matravers as part of an Eco Church initiative to bring biodiversity to the area.

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Giving Hope

Giving Hope

by Michael Ford 9 October 2019

The recent Sudans Day proved to be both informative and fun, with praise given to our Diocese for the hope its link brings.

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Passionate, Peaceful Protest- and Prayer

Passionate, Peaceful Protest- and Prayer

by Michael Ford 9 October 2019

Bishop Nicholas has spoken out on behalf of the Church of England at the start of the two weeks of protest by Extinction Rebellion.

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A heavenly visit

A heavenly visit

by Michael Ford 9 October 2019

Did you know that Bradford-on Avon is known as 'Bradford-in-Heaven' in Sudan?

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Bringing in the Light at Halloween

Bringing in the Light at Halloween

by Michael Ford 9 October 2019

Dressing up in neon outfits or as pirates are just two ways our parishes are offering an alternative to Trick-or-Treating.

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Gin Church

Gin Church

by Michael Ford 9 October 2019

There are many different "fresh expressions" of Church in our Diocese, meeting the needs of modern Christians, but the Beaminster Team has gone one step further and combined church with gin.

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