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Home News Bringing in the Light at Halloween

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Bringing in the Light at Halloween

by Michael Ford last modified 09 Oct, 2019 03:01 PM

Dressing up in neon outfits or as pirates are just two ways our parishes are offering an alternative to Trick-or-Treating.

The churches are running Light Parties, which are a Christian alternative for Halloween and a great way of reaching out to our communities with the good news of Jesus.

St Mary's Longfleet, in Dorset is holding a "Let's Glow" night of light on the 31st of October as a Halloween alternative.

In 3 sessions, under-5s between 4 and 5pm, Reception to year 3 from 5.15 to 6.15pm and Year 4-6 from 6.30 to 7.30pm, the Party invites says:

"We will light up the night so dress in Neon, no scary costumes please."

The Vale of Pewsey Team in Wiltshire is holding a pirate-themed Light Party on Saturday 2nd November at St John's Church Pewsey. The event is part of the follow up to the very successful Holiday Club they had in August and they are using the symbol of the lighthouse to make a helpful connection between these two events.

As well as pirate-themed costumes, those who attend will also get hot dogs, games and crafts and a Bible story.

Also joining in will be the Lantern Church, Merley, Wimborne, who is holding their own light party between 5-7.30pm on Halloween.

Full of ideas for games, crafts and ways to talk with children and young people about the good news of Jesus, a Light Party is a must have this Halloween!

And for all those who will still go trick-or-treating this Halloween, remember behind the door may be an elderly, confused or frightened person. If the house doesn't have a lantern outside, then don't knock and certainly don't trick!

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