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Gin Church

by Michael Ford last modified 09 Oct, 2019 02:33 PM

There are many different "fresh expressions" of Church in our Diocese, meeting the needs of modern Christians, but the Beaminster Team has gone one step further and combined church with gin.

Gin Church was stared as a Lent initiative by the Revd Jo Neary, Pioneer Priest in the Beaminster Area Team in Dorset, but it is coming back by popular demand in November.

Jo explains:

"Gin church has only happened once before - as part of our Lent in a Bag events. It was designed for those who might like to explore faith in a more informal setting, particularly parents whose children might engage in after school club or Messy Church.

"It was an opportunity to build friendships and to go deeper into faith ideas.

"The first one was March 2019. A small group, all female, met and chatted, tasted gin, and looked at Matthew 25 together.

"We had two farmer's wives as part of our group and we were discussing which were more stupid, sheep or goats - which led us beautifully onto a discussion of Matthew 25.

"I have been pestered to set a new date by those who came and wanted to come again and those who couldn't make it last time.

"The aim is to find a place to belong, to build friendships and a space to be ourselves and to ponder the big questions over a drink.

"We look forward to what November may hold for us."

The event takes place on November 16th and, as Jo says: "The gin is optional not mandatory!"

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