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Home News 'Maps' for those bereaved by road fatalities

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'Maps' for those bereaved by road fatalities

by Michael Ford last modified 09 Oct, 2019 03:22 PM

Following on from the welcomed Service of Remembrance for those killed or injured on Dorset roads, Brake, the road safety charity, has given ‘maps’ to those recently bereaved by crashes in Dorset on how to deal with their loss.

The maps will be given out by Dorset Police’s family liaison officers, and an accompanying guide for adults is available for anyone supporting children and their families after a road death.

Brake provides a specialist support service. More here

The service took place on Saturday, 21st September at Wimborne Minster, and also gave thanks for the emergency service. It was led by Bishop Karen.

Read her sermon here

16 people died in crashes during the first half of this year - the same number as those who died during the whole of 2018.

A collection was made at the service for RoadPeace, the national charity for road crash victims in the UK,
which provides information and support services to people bereaved or seriously injured in road crashes
and which works to reform the justice system, engaging in evidence-based policy and campaigns to
reduce danger.

Visit the RoadPeace website

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