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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
"We look forward to the time when we are able to gather again in our church buildings"

"We look forward to the time when we are able to gather again in our church buildings"

by Michael Ford 15 May 2020

The National Church has responded to the Government's latest guidance on coronavirus.

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Answering the media

Answering the media

by Michael Ford 15 May 2020

Recently we were asked some interesting questions by a local journalist, we thought we would share them and our answers with you.

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All hands to the plough: collaborative online ministry in West Dorset

All hands to the plough: collaborative online ministry in West Dorset

by Michael Ford 15 May 2020

In most rural multi-parish benefices in our Diocese ministry is shared between clergy and laity, and this collaborative ministry is proving even more successful during lockdown.

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'At Home' service for Bell Ringers

'At Home' service for Bell Ringers

by Michael Ford 15 May 2020

With churches closed to public worship, the Salisbury Diocesan Guild of Bellringers held their annual Guild Festival Service 'at home' this year.

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Framing fundraising

Framing fundraising

by Michael Ford 15 May 2020

Without regular services, many of our churches are losing much needed income, but one Wiltshire church has come up with a fun way to raise some funds during the lockdown.

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A light in the darkness

A light in the darkness

by Michael Ford 15 May 2020

Our story last in last week's Grapevine about Beaminster Church turning blue for the NHS prompted this message from the Revd Penny Draper, from St George's Church, Oakdale:

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Churches Together to Help

Churches Together to Help

by Michael Ford 15 May 2020

In the south east of our Diocese our Churches have been working together with fellow Christians and other denominations to help those who are in need during the lockdown.

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Lifting the Spirits

Lifting the Spirits

by Michael Ford 15 May 2020

We continue to offer some poems and prose to lift your spirits during lockdown.

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Lighting a candle online

Lighting a candle online

by Michael Ford 15 May 2020

The Church of England has a virtual candle that you can now light as part of your prayers at this difficult time.

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Bible Course to help during coronavirus

Bible Course to help during coronavirus

by Michael Ford 15 May 2020

Churches all across Weymouth are making final preparations for a major outreach project, promoting greater awareness of the Bible in coping with spiritual and practical problems related to the present crisis.

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