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Bible Course to help during coronavirus

by Michael Ford last modified 15 May, 2020 12:58 PM

Churches all across Weymouth are making final preparations for a major outreach project, promoting greater awareness of the Bible in coping with spiritual and practical problems related to the present crisis.

And their clergy have even made a promotional video to advertise it.

The Bible Course is due to be launched before the end of May, offering a wide range of online study tools for participants.

While naturally aimed at existing church congregations, there is also a strong emphasis on helping newcomers to the Bible to get to grips with it through a message that the Course is a great resource, whether you are familiar with the Bible or just starting out.

Those planning the Weymouth project have been greatly encouraged by a recent Christian aid agency Tearfund survey that a quarter of UK adults are tuning in to religious services via the internet, TV and radio during the current Covid-19 lockdown, and 1 in 20 are praying.

As part of the course publicity, the local clergy have collaborated to produce a short YouTube video.

Watch it here.

The Revd Nick Clarke, Team Rector at St Adhelm’s and St Mary’s is joined by the Revd Jo Haine from Emmanuel and St Mary’s, the Revd Tom Coopey from St John’s and Assistant Curate Revd Matt Renyard, all of whom stress that the Bible can provide clear answers to the challenges troubling not only churchgoers but the wider community in today’s difficult world.

They explain that the Bible can seem a big and complicated book to read, and for many it can be a bit daunting as to where to begin.

Jo points out how the Bible Course will help participants at any level see how the books of the Bible are all part of one big story, and by using a unique storyline, the key events, numerous books, characters and teachings all fit together.

In an email to the congregation of St Mary’s Church prior to last Sunday’s online virtual service, Lay Minister Carl Whitehouse wrote:

“Already, there has been a fantastic response to the Bible Course publicity, which is continuing to encourage more to join in.”

Weymouth church publicist Geoffrey Murray said:

“It’s a very exciting programme, providing video teaching, course guide and daily readings helping us grow in confidence in spreading Bible knowledge, which I see as an important task for us when life returns to normal.”

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