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Lifting the Spirits

by Michael Ford last modified 15 May, 2020 01:12 PM

We continue to offer some poems and prose to lift your spirits during lockdown.

Lifting the Spirits

Original photo courtesy @oxforddiocese on Twitter

The Revd Heather Smith, who has permission to Officiate in the Benefice of Bromham and Rowde wrote to say:

"Feeling frustrated a couple of weeks ago while reading a book about pilgrimages to sacred mountains, I decided to make a pilgrimage from my house to the church in the village here in Bromham. It is about a quarter of a mile away!

"We are publishing a thought for the day every day on our benefice Facebook page and I published this account of my journey over 4 days.

"Bromham is surrounded by market gardening and there are many fields of vegetables within the village itself, separating groups of houses - hence my reference to Santiago de Compostela."

Read Heather's pilgrimage during lockdown here.

And Martin Wroe is offering a Blessing for a Zoom Meeting for those of us who are spending much of our time 'zooming' at the moment.

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