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Lighting a candle online

by Michael Ford last modified 15 May, 2020 01:02 PM

The Church of England has a virtual candle that you can now light as part of your prayers at this difficult time.

Lighting a candle online

Courtesy unsplash

Click here to take a look.

By lighting a virtual candle, you're making space to pray.

During this time, when so many of us are at home, separated from those we love, praying for them and for ourselves is important.

Now you can light a candle online to pray for yourself, for a loved one or for a situation. Whatever is going on, make space to pray in your life.

You might like also to light one on Sunday May 31st when as a Diocese we are joining together in a day of prayer.

As a Diocese prayer, alongside service and growth, is key to our vision for a thriving Christian presence and all our church meetings begin with the lighting of a candle and the saying of our Renewing Hope Prayer.

You might like to say this prayer with your virtual candle:

God our Father, renew our hope. By the Holy Spirit’s power strengthen us to pray readily, serve joyfully and grow abundantly, rejoicing in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

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