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Home News All hands to the plough: collaborative online ministry in West Dorset

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All hands to the plough: collaborative online ministry in West Dorset

by Michael Ford last modified 15 May, 2020 01:28 PM

In most rural multi-parish benefices in our Diocese ministry is shared between clergy and laity, and this collaborative ministry is proving even more successful during lockdown.

Sarah Keen, a lay minister in the Beaminster Team and our Rural Hope Programme Manager, explains how team work has proved a perfect gift for ministry in her communities during coronavirus:

"In the early days of the lockdown, the burden fell on the clergy as they got to grips with new technology and experimented with forms of online worship.

"Now the technology has bedded in, worship has once again opened up to include contributions from the whole team.

"Rotas are now in place for online readings and intercessions on Sunday and for a wholly new initiative – ‘Midday Thoughts’.

"These short reflections from wider ministry team members go out daily on the Beaminster Team website and Facebook page and are proving highly popular. And from Saturday onwards, Online Messy Church swings into action, live streamed by a team of four MC aficionados (two clergy, two lay)."

So as our Beaminster Team members testify: "It’s so much easier to serve God if we all work together".

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