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Home News 'At Home' service for Bell Ringers

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'At Home' service for Bell Ringers

by Michael Ford last modified 15 May, 2020 01:26 PM

With churches closed to public worship, the Salisbury Diocesan Guild of Bellringers held their annual Guild Festival Service 'at home' this year.

'At Home' service for Bell Ringers


Guild Master Robert Wellen explained:

"Of course it could in no way replace a service in church, but I hope that it provided a little solace and that feeling of community with other Guild members."

The festival had planned to use the occasion to remember the ringers from our Diocese (all Guild members) known to have died in the Second World War, either servicemen ‘killed in action’ or civilians killed by enemy action.

Robert shared the Order of Service with the Guild's Patron and Vice Patrons and received the following replies:

From the Bishop of Salisbury’s office:

"It is such a shame that so many wonderful plans are having to take on a different angle and yet we remain connected. Thank you for putting this together."

From Bishop Karen, the Bishop of Sherborne:

"Thank you for this, and greetings to the Diocesan Guild. I will be praying for you on Saturday. All good wishes."

From The Revd Nick Papadopulos, the Dean of Salisbury:

"Congratulations on your creativity in enabling us to pray together despite the lockdown. I will join you, albeit at a distance!"

Ringers from the Guild who died in the Second World War, 1939-45:

Pilot Officer (Obs.) Paul Francis Opperman, Rowde.
Died 26/09/1941 age 19. Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
Electrical Artificer 3rd Class James Alfred George Leighton, Wyke Regis.
Died 25/11/1941 age 24. Royal Navy, H.M.S. Barham.
Serjeant Albert Owen Wrintmore, Calne (formerly Hilmarton).
Died 12/06/1942 age 34. Home Guard, 1st Wiltshire (Chippenham) Bn. Cand
Gunner Douglas Percy Arnold Child Okeford.
Died 04/12/1942 age 22. Royal Artillery, 28 Field Regt.
Civilian Frederick George Samuel Cole, Poole.
Died 06/09/1943 age 39. Civilian War Dead.
Corporal William Edmund Greene, Hazelbury Bryan.
Died 09/04/1944 age 37. Royal Armoured Corps.
Private Sidney Walter Cousins, Warminster.
Died 10/07/1944 age 23. Wiltshire Regiment, 4th Bn.
Sergeant (Pilot) Stanley Charles Slade, Preston.
Died 25/07/1944 age 22. Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.
Private Dennis George Gumm, Westbury (formerly Bratton).
Died 07/08/1944 age 33. Wiltshire Regiment, 5th Bn.C
Private George James Burden, Fontmell Magna.
Died 20/03/1945 age 25. Dorsetshire Regiment
Signalman Leon Malcolm Day, Wareham.
Died 12/12/1943, aged 22. Royal Navy, H.M.S. Cuckmere.
Corporal John Peter Plantard, Corfe Mullen.
Died 02/05/1944, aged 26. 2nd Bn Dorsetshire Regiment.

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