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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
Raining Harvest Blessings

Raining Harvest Blessings

by Michael Ford 16 October 2020

In this mainly rural diocese, most parishes are very much in touch with farming, husbandry, and the turning of the year. Harvest services can still be joyous, even as we adapt to the 'new normal'.

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Ride+Stride, 2020-style

Ride+Stride, 2020-style

by Michael Ford 9 October 2020

When you say the words 'Ride and Stride' to a churchgoer, they think of all those who every year walk, cycle or horse ride to raise thousands of pounds for churches across our Diocese.

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Zooming in on pets

Zooming in on pets

by Michael Ford 9 October 2020

As a Diocese, we recently celebrated the Season of Creation - our now annual fixture from 1st September to 4th October, the Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi - and our parishes' increasing creativity is paying dividends.

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Room to Grow

Room to Grow

by Michael Ford 9 October 2020

Despite current restrictions, many of our parishes are thriving as they reach out in new ways, and some are beginning to pick up where they left off.

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Channel Islands vote to join our Guild

Channel Islands vote to join our Guild

by Michael Ford 9 October 2020

The Channel Island District of the Winchester and Portsmouth Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers has voted decisively to join the Salisbury Diocesan Guild of Ringers (SDGR) when the Channel Islands move from the Diocese of Winchester to the Diocese of Salisbury.

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Biggest-ever Southwest Carols

Biggest-ever Southwest Carols

by Michael Ford 9 October 2020

As part of our diocesan commitment to prayer and renewal, following the success of the 'South West Prays events' on Easter and Pentecost Sunday, the organisers have been working on a Christmas follow-up.

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From Cancer to Coast

From Cancer to Coast

by Michael Ford 9 October 2020

Every 2 minutes, someone in the UK is diagnosed with cancer. A number of our parishioners raise money to fund research into preventing and curing this condition.

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Events for Extraordinary Times

Events for Extraordinary Times

by Michael Ford 9 October 2020

With face-to-face gatherings limited, and performing artists unable to make a living as usual, our parishes are having to devise new ways to foster the arts, support talented musicians, and raise money in the process.

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An online Harvest

An online Harvest

by Michael Ford 9 October 2020

As our parishes take the opportunity to reach out online, transforming their communities as they do so, gatherings are taking on new forms and reaching new audiences. Some are even going international, in a way that was not possible before lockdown.

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Coping with Covid in South Sudan

Coping with Covid in South Sudan

by Michael Ford 9 October 2020

One of our most meaningful and long-standing partnerships as a Diocese is with the Episcopal Church of Sudan and South Sudan.

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