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Events for Extraordinary Times

by Michael Ford last modified 09 Oct, 2020 10:47 PM

With face-to-face gatherings limited, and performing artists unable to make a living as usual, our parishes are having to devise new ways to foster the arts, support talented musicians, and raise money in the process.

St Peter’s Church Stourton Caundle is no different, and has been working with the Ametza Quartet to salvage the situation.

Chairman of Fund-Raising Tim Villiers says:

"Usually, we run regular events in Stourton Caundle, including concerts, to raise funds for our church, but we are living in extraordinary times at the moment, which necessitate unusual arrangements!

"The autumn concert in St Peter’s Church, Stourton Caundle is traditionally given by an ensemble from the Royal Academy of Music and we had booked the Ametza Quartet (strings) to play for us on 26 September; the programme was to have included music by Haydn, Frank Bridge and Mendelsohn.

"Instead, this talented quartet of international musicians will be coming here on Saturday 26 June 2021 – so please put that date in your diary now!"

Ametza Quartet says:

"We really miss giving live concerts, but it would bring us a lot of joy to be able to share the music virtually while live performances are off limits. We could record a recital and it could be sent out as a link for individuals who may have made up the audience on 26th Sept.

"We think it would work best to broadcast via YouTube, with the 'premiere' going live at a standard concert time. We would politely request a donation of, say, £10 from those who tune in. We would provide the link to those who have made a donation; the concert could then be left up for a week in case anyone couldn't make the premiere time, and then removed/ made private.

"Our purpose in organising this series of concerts is to raise money for the maintenance of our lovely, mediaeval church and to give performance opportunities to talented young musicians, while having an enjoyable evening. We believe that this revised formula, forced on us by Covid-19, allows us to continue to meet these aims.

"The quartet promise that the concert will be “fun to listen to, fun to play and give a foretaste of what to expect when they come here next June”."

While there is a lot of recorded music available on YouTube, performers have been hit hard by the Covid-19 lockdown, and the quartet plans to set up a ‘Just Giving’ or similar page online, to support up-and-coming performers and the church alike, adding:

"The joy of this format is that you do not have to go out on a cold or wet evening, but can listen to wonderful music in the comfort of your own home, at a time of your own choosing! Moreover, there is no limit on the numbers that can enjoy the concert or on where they live."

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