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An online Harvest

by Michael Ford last modified 09 Oct, 2020 10:47 PM

As our parishes take the opportunity to reach out online, transforming their communities as they do so, gatherings are taking on new forms and reaching new audiences. Some are even going international, in a way that was not possible before lockdown.

The churches of St Ann’s and St Aldhelm’s, part of Radipole and Melcombe Regis in Weymouth, have been continuing to engage with the local and wider community via online services.

The Revd Matt Renyard explains:

"As has been the case since the beginning of the Covid-19 health crisis, and with the necessary changes to our in-person worship on a Sunday, the breakfast church service – Breakfast@9 – has moved online and has been celebrating Sunday mornings together via our YouTube channel,

"To celebrate Harvest this year we put together a 'BIG B@9' service to give thanks for all that God blesses us with. Filmed on our phones and gathered from across our homes in Weymouth we joined together to celebrate God’s abundance and reminded ourselves that we are called to bless others.

"People joined us from across Weymouth, across the country and even some special guests watched from Canada. We shared some prayers, a Bible reading, sung some songs and enjoyed an engaging talk. All the while communicating through our B@9 WhatsApp group as we celebrated together online.

"You can join us every Sunday at 9am and find out more via, or watch again via"

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