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Room to Grow

by Michael Ford last modified 09 Oct, 2020 10:48 PM

Despite current restrictions, many of our parishes are thriving as they reach out in new ways, and some are beginning to pick up where they left off.

Room to Grow

Cake by Julia Baker

Christ Church Creekmoor welcomed Bishop Karen last Sunday (4th October) to their Breakfast@9 Service and their Encounter Service, to rededicate a new building and recommission them in their ministry.

Christ Church has undergone a major £1.4m extension to their existing church building, creating a larger worship space and new Community Hub, including the Community Hub Café.

The congregation moved out of their building into temporary accommodation after their Easter Sunday Service last year, and then moved back into their new building almost a year later - just in time for their Mothering Sunday Service - before going into lockdown. Their grand re-opening, planned for 11th April, had to be put on hold.

Since 12th July, they have been back worshipping in their building - socially distanced, of course - and recently re-introduced their Breakfast@9 Service.

Room to Grow- Recommissioning during the Breakfast@9 Service
Recommissioning during the Breakfast@9 Service

Communications Coordinator Michelle Bird says:

"We were so excited to welcome Bishop Karen, as she preached at both our Breakfast@9 and Encounter Services, and rededicated our new building and recommissioned our ministry to Creekmoor and beyond.

Room to Grow- Recommissioning during the Encounter Service
Recommissioning during the Encounter Service

"Margaret Bossom (Project Coordinator) gave a small talk about the history of the ‘Room to Grow’ building project.

"We thanked Margaret and her husband Richard (who made a 3D walkthrough video), Howard Cunningham-Smith (retired fundraiser advisor), and Revd Canon Janice Audibert and her husband Rev Jean Audibert for their incredible hard work over the past 10 years of the building project, and presented them with pictures of the build."

Margaret finished her talk by saying:

"We are standing on the threshold of a new phase of mission and ministry in Creekmoor, and have a sneaky suspicion that the future is going to be a continuation of that journey of faith and trust, as we continue to seek, to follow God’s vision, for Christ Church and Creekmoor. To the glory of God and the service of our community. Amen!"

You can watch a video of the service on YouTube.

Photo below: Howard Cunningham-Smith, Richard and Margaret Bossom, Bishop Karen, Revd Canon Janice Audibert and Revd Jean Audibert

Room to Grow- Group thank-you with Bishop Karen

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