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Home News Channel Islands vote to join our Guild

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Channel Islands vote to join our Guild

by Michael Ford last modified 09 Oct, 2020 10:48 PM

The Channel Island District of the Winchester and Portsmouth Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers has voted decisively to join the Salisbury Diocesan Guild of Ringers (SDGR) when the Channel Islands move from the Diocese of Winchester to the Diocese of Salisbury.

Channel Islands vote to join our Guild

Mont Orgueil and Gorey Harbour, Jersey, courtesy wimborneminsterbellringers

Jane Le Conte, Chair of the Channel Islands District said:

“The result of the district vote regarding our guild affiliation came in yesterday. 65% of those who participated wish to move to membership of the Salisbury DG. The remaining 34% were evenly split between remaining with the W&P and abstaining. We look forward to building a relationship with the Salisbury Guild and wait to hear what we need to do to facilitate the move.”

Robert Wellen, Master of the SDGR replied:

“Many thanks Jane for letting me know. Please convey the good wishes of the Salisbury Guild to ALL your members, however they voted (and to those who abstained) as prospective new members of our Guild. It will be a 'getting to know you' exercise for us both, but I am looking forward to it and to having the full involvement of your members in the life of our Guild.”

Work on the transfer arrangements is beginning with informal meetings, and with the Winchester and Portsmouth Guild AGM on 26th September. The Salisbury Guild will consider this matter at its Executive this month (October 2020) and at an EGM to be held in October or November.

SDGR members will be asked to agree to this move in principle, and to a Group to being set up from the 2 Guilds and the Channel Island District to work on the details of the move. The Salisbury Diocesan Registry confirms that no date has yet been set for the Channel Islands to move dioceses.

Bishop Nicholas said:

“This is one of a number of transitions that are needed as we welcome the Channel Islands into the Diocese of Salisbury. As a Bellringer myself and as Patron of the Diocesan Guild of Ringers I am delighted to welcome them.”

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