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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
Bishop welcomes Government's commitment to "net zero" by 2050

Bishop welcomes Government's commitment to "net zero" by 2050

by Michael Ford 12 June 2019

The Church of England’s lead bishop on the environment has welcomed the news that the government has set a stricter target on climate change.

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The Global Wave

The Global Wave

by Michael Ford 11 June 2019

Over a thousand people from more than 100 churches in our Diocese gathered together this Sunday to mark the end of the "Global Wave of Prayer".

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Swap Shop is a great success

Swap Shop is a great success

by Michael Ford 11 June 2019

"Great atmosphere, great discussion, great cake!" A pretty succinct and fair summary of the Sarum Mission Swap Shop from one of the many enthusiastic participants who gathered in the Annex at St Francis Church, Salisbury for the event.

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Church initiative is Mayor's chosen Charity

Church initiative is Mayor's chosen Charity

by Michael Ford 11 June 2019

The new Mayor of Blandford Forum has chosen a Church initiative as her chosen charity.

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Faith Sunday with Cake

Faith Sunday with Cake

by Michael Ford 11 June 2019

Exploring faith and eating together are two defining features of the Alabaré Emmaus Community for adults with learning disabilities, and on Faith Sunday these were combined to perfection.

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Holding on to the Cross

Holding on to the Cross

by Michael Ford 11 June 2019

An olive-wood holding cross from Bethlehem was the constant companion for a Dorset churchgoer who has undergone pioneering medical procedures.

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Song and Dance for the Eucharist

Song and Dance for the Eucharist

by Michael Ford 11 June 2019

Members of the Minster Youth Group (MYG) in Warminster have celebrated a special and unusual Youth Eucharist that featured a play, dancing and percussion instruments.

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Humble Access in our time

Humble Access in our time

by Michael Ford 11 June 2019

The Diocese's Prayer Book Society will be discussing the topic of 'the Prayer of Humble Access in our time' at their June meeting.

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"There is much to celebrate!"

"There is much to celebrate!"

by Michael Ford 11 June 2019

A special Festival Service has been held in our Cathedral celebrating the work of the MU in this Diocese and commissioning its membership to keep supporting the vulnerable who otherwise would "fall through safety nets".

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2nd of 4 Insights from Sherborne

2nd of 4 Insights from Sherborne

by Michael Ford 11 June 2019

Sherborne Abbey is holding the second of its four Summer Insight lectures next Monday.

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