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The Global Wave

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Jun, 2019 06:07 PM

Over a thousand people from more than 100 churches in our Diocese gathered together this Sunday to mark the end of the "Global Wave of Prayer".

The Global Wave

Photo by Ash Mills

From Ascension to Pentecost, churches throughout our Diocese have been joining in Archbishop Justin Welby’s 'Thy Kingdom Come' initiative, and on Sunday this culminated in congregations from all over Wiltshire and Dorset coming together for a huge celebration of praise and prayer at Salisbury Cathedral.

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Rachel Jordan-Wolf, the Church of England’s National Advisor for Mission and Evangelism, gave a simple but powerful message to those who had gathered, about how God chooses and uses ordinary people in extraordinary ways to reveal the message of Jesus Christ.

The Revd Craig Ryalls, Rector of St Paul’s in Salisbury, was involved in planning and hosting the celebration. He said:

"This is our second year working in partnership with the Cathedral and it is a perfect location for the ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ Celebration.

"It is so powerful when we come together in unity from our different traditions and denominations to worship and pray that more people will come to faith in Jesus. There has been a wonderful tangible sense of the presence, power and peace of the Holy Spirit in this wonderful setting on Pentecost Sunday equipping us all to be salt and light in our communities."

Bishop Nicholas closed the celebration with a blessing and expressing that he was "particularly grateful for the partnerships that were involved.

"Rachel Jordan-Wolf was an engaging speaker and I thought the prayers were brilliant. I know that the Cathedral were pleased to host the event."

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