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Home News Song and Dance for the Eucharist

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Song and Dance for the Eucharist

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Jun, 2019 05:46 PM

Members of the Minster Youth Group (MYG) in Warminster have celebrated a special and unusual Youth Eucharist that featured a play, dancing and percussion instruments.

Song and Dance for the Eucharist

Photo courtesy Pixabay

24 members of the MYG gathered around an unlaid table in the Church for the interactive service devised by the Revd Martin Weymont.

Tim Spinney from MYG said:

"The reading was a play read by 2 youngsters and 2 adults. The prayers, similarly, were read by 4 people and the sentences were said by 2 of our youngsters.

"At the start of the Eucharist, all the congregation were invited to come and collect items to 'lay the table' for the Feast. Again, at the completion of the Eucharist, we were all asked to come to the table and clear it as at the end of a Feast.

"At the end of the celebration some percussion instruments were produced and we were encouraged to dance, shake, bang and clap - this was all accompanied and aided by our Organist Kerry. This worked eventually with the English reserve broken down a bit!

"It was quite a different form of Eucharist for the Minster and a great experience.

"We all came away with important items to remember and the charge to go out into Warminster."

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