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Home News Faith Sunday with Cake

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Faith Sunday with Cake

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Jun, 2019 05:57 PM

Exploring faith and eating together are two defining features of the Alabaré Emmaus Community for adults with learning disabilities, and on Faith Sunday these were combined to perfection.

In the lead-up to Resurrection Sunday, clients had been reading the ‘Walk to Emmaus’ (Luke 24) at their evening meal using scriptures donated by Biblica, the international Bible society.

This culminated in a wonderfully creative day spent together at Alabaré HQ to delve a little further.

Senior Chaplain Keith Thomasson said:

“Forty of us gathered to explore the story.

"We participated by ‘walking and talking: talking and walking’. We then explored its themes: walking and talking, varied emotions and hospitality, through communal creativity. We drew around our feet decorating the card with words and images that resonated with the story, recreated the story using coloured cloth, and baked Easter cakes.

"We brought our learning into a celebration of the Eucharist."

But, as Chaplain Keith explained, the celebration was also an occasion to bid a fond farewell to two of the Community's favourite visitors.

"This was an event that was both joyful and sad, for we said goodbye to one of the chaplains from the Emmaus Team, the Revd Heather Leppard. Heather will soon leave Salisbury to be licensed as Vicar of Old Basing, Basingstoke. Clients gave her a gift and one too for [cockatoo puppet] Billy Bird who has helped us to reflect on scripture through using his ‘wondering questions’."

The day finished with cake, making it a creative feast in every sense of the word!

Billy Bird and his feathered puppet antics featured previously in the weekly diocesan e-Bulletin. Story here

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