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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
Lifting the spirits again with poems and prose

Lifting the spirits again with poems and prose

by Michael Ford 24 April 2020

We are still receiving some wonderful poems and prose to lift our spirits and this week they all have an Easter theme.

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Recreating window dressing

Recreating window dressing

by Michael Ford 24 April 2020

Recreate, the annual Christian festival, has opened a window on a virtual festival.

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Scrubbing Up

Scrubbing Up

by Michael Ford 24 April 2020

When the appeal went out for 1600 scrub bags for PPE for the local NHS, our churches and their communities answered the call.

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Town council and churches Renew Hope together

Town council and churches Renew Hope together

by Michael Ford 24 April 2020

Weymouth Town Council has recognised the important role local churches can play in its own campaign to provide aid to those in need in the community amid the coronavirus lockdown.

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The South West Prayed

The South West Prayed

by Michael Ford 24 April 2020

In what was a first for the region, Easter Sunday saw 1000s of Christians from across the South West praying together online.

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What is the role of a University Chaplain during Lockdown?

What is the role of a University Chaplain during Lockdown?

by Michael Ford 24 April 2020

With students sent home to carry on their studies online, being a chaplain in a university during this unprecedented time can feel very strange.

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Worshippers from across the world

Worshippers from across the world

by Michael Ford 24 April 2020

Our online services aren't just attracting the wider community to try church for the first time or to come back after a long absence, they are also attracting worshippers from across continents, even on the other side of the world.

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by Michael Ford 24 April 2020

The lockdown is certainly opening our eyes to all sorts of things and for some it is certainly renewing their hope at such a difficult time.

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Another kind of Rainbow

Another kind of Rainbow

by Michael Ford 24 April 2020

Our services have gone online during coronavirus, and so has Messy Church.

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Green Screen Fun

Green Screen Fun

by Michael Ford 24 April 2020

Many of our clergy are learning new skills as they broadcast services, daily prayers and reflections from their sitting rooms, kitchens, studies, and even sheds.

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