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Home News Lifting the spirits again with poems and prose

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Lifting the spirits again with poems and prose

by Michael Ford last modified 24 Apr, 2020 05:34 PM

We are still receiving some wonderful poems and prose to lift our spirits and this week they all have an Easter theme.

Lifting the spirits again with poems and prose

Original photo courtesy @oxforddiocese on Twitter

Ann Douglas has sent us a very topical poem called 'The virus that stole Easter'. Click here to read it.

Richard Trahair, who was our Diocesan Property Secretary for 31 years has sent us a poem for Easter.

Richard, who has been organist and general handyman as well as a onetime Churchwarden and lay PCC Vice-chairman for Ebbesbourne Wake with Fifield Bavant and Alvediston, offers 'Crucifixion and Resurrection'. Read it here.

Chris Cox wanted to share 'The Easter Flower', and regular contributor Alan Amos has sent in 2 of his short poems, both themed around Easter:

From our isolation
we zoom to the Cross,
see one another's faces,
smiles, tears not far away,
joining the Christ in his isolation
finding ourselves reduced to silence
by the exposed anatomy of love.

Easter candle, burning bright
chase away the shades of night
from our hearts and minds today
“Christ is risen !” let us say.

To read all our 'Lifting the Spirits' poems and prose, visit the main page.

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