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Home News The South West Prayed

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The South West Prayed

by Michael Ford last modified 24 Apr, 2020 05:07 PM

In what was a first for the region, Easter Sunday saw 1000s of Christians from across the South West praying together online.

Around 20 church leaders from different styles and traditions all over the South West joined in the 'South West Prays' initiative, broadcasting live from their homes and sharing reflections and prayers on the crisis we are facing as a nation.

It is thought that the online prayer gathering that took place at 8pm was the biggest prayer event that has ever taken place in the region.

Individuals were invited to log in and take part, joining together to pray for our world, our nation and the South West in light of news developments which have impacted everyone in some way.

Alongside the video broadcast, there was also an interactive chatroom where people could engage with others, sharing their prayers and thoughts.

Mark Pugh, leader of Rediscover Church which is involved in the event said:

“There is so much suffering around at this difficult time in the nations and so many churches are active on the frontline, caring for the vulnerable, providing foodbanks and offering support to many people. But we also believe the greatest hope people can find is experiencing a restored relationship with Jesus.

“Jesus was asked what is the most important thing and he responded by saying it is loving God with everything and loving our neighbours as ourselves. It's such a joy to see such unity across the churches as we pray for those in need of both circumstantial help as well as praying that people will find a restored hope filled relationship with God.”

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