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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
In Praise of Licensed Lay Ministry

In Praise of Licensed Lay Ministry

by Michael Ford 5 September 2020

As a Diocese we believe strongly in collaborative ministry between our clergy and those who serve without being ordained.

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Messages for World Day of Creation

Messages for World Day of Creation

by Michael Ford 5 September 2020

The full text of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew's Message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation is below.

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Focussing on the Environment

Focussing on the Environment

by Michael Ford 5 September 2020

This Sunday, our churches will mark Climate Sunday which launches the Church's Season of Creation.

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There's a new silver badge in town

There's a new silver badge in town

by Michael Ford 5 September 2020

As an Eco Diocese, we welcome any news of new Eco Church Awards, courtesy of leading conservation charity A Rocha.

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Supporting children and young people after exams

Supporting children and young people after exams

by Michael Ford 5 September 2020

Wiltshire Radio ran an item recently on exam results and how families can support children and young people following the exams.

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Parenting for Faith

Parenting for Faith

by Michael Ford 5 September 2020

How can we pass on our faith to our children, and to those we know and love? Resources are being produced to help us do just that.

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New Ways of Working

New Ways of Working

by Michael Ford 5 September 2020

As part of our new ways of working to better serve our local churches and communities in our Diocese, a Church House staff consultation is taking place during September 2020.

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Mothers’ Union celebrates Mary Sumner Day

Mothers’ Union celebrates Mary Sumner Day

by Michael Ford 5 September 2020

Mary Sumner is the Foundress of Mothers' Union, and August is a very special month for the Mothers’ Union.

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Sudans Appeal reaches its Target

Sudans Appeal reaches its Target

by Michael Ford 31 July 2020

A month-long Emergency Appeal by the Diocese of Salisbury for the Sudans has reached its goal of raising £50,000.

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