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Parenting for Faith

by Michael Ford last modified 05 Sep, 2020 11:32 AM

How can we pass on our faith to our children, and to those we know and love? Resources are being produced to help us do just that.

'Parenting for Faith' is a free resource which equips parents to spiritually parent their children and young people for faith, enables churches to be a supportive community, and encourages parents to deepen their own relationship with God.

Applied in a wider context, it offers a very practical way for every Christian to share God with friends, family and colleagues.

Bridging personal discipleship and personal evangelism, it provides a valuable resource for small groups and for whole-church ministry and mission.

'Parenting as a Church Leader', a specialist stream for church leaders who are also parents, equips ministers to thrive in both callings.

There are many free resources available online, and mostly in bite-sized chunks, well-suited to the season in which we find ourselves. These include:

  • A video-based Parenting for Faith course in 8 sessions, with tips on how to run it online
  • 5 key tools to help your child connect with God
  • 'Quarencouragements,' advice and resources to help during this pandemic
  • Videos, podcasts and articles on a vast array of topics
  • Facebook groups for parents and carers, for children, youth and family workers, and for Church Leaders
  • Parenting as a Church Leader, a series for Church Leaders as parents

Sarah and Chris Colyer attended the Parenting for Faith course run in 2018 by Debbie Boyt, the Children and Families Worker at St Paul's Salisbury. They say:

“The parenting course is such a great opportunity to take time out together, and be intentional in thinking through how we parent our children to encourage their personal faith. It’s full of practical ideas and reassurance, it’s motivational and inspiring, and it’s fun to be with others in a supportive group.”

For an overview, please click here.

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