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Home News Mothers’ Union celebrates Mary Sumner Day

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Mothers’ Union celebrates Mary Sumner Day

by Michael Ford last modified 05 Sep, 2020 11:31 AM

Mary Sumner is the Foundress of Mothers' Union, and August is a very special month for the Mothers’ Union.

Diocesan President Rosie Stiven says:

"August is the month when we celebrate the life and work of our Foundress, Mary Sumner (1828-1921). Her special day is 9th August, which this year fell on a Sunday.

"Our Chaplain, Revd Joanna Naish, arranged a special Service of the Word to commemorate Mary Sumner Day. So as not to interfere with members’ Sunday worship with their own congregations, the Service took place by Zoom on Friday 7th August at 11.00 am.

"Although many were unfamiliar with Zoom, the Service was really well supported by members throughout the Diocese. It was so uplifting to see so many familiar faces joining together in celebration and fellowship.

"Revd Joanna reminded us of Mary Sumner’s vision – a vision for the Mothers’ Union. Wherever Mothers’ Union exists in the world we will express our Christian faith in the transformation of families and communities worldwide. Working as ambassadors for Christ our goal is to see all people enjoy loving, respectful and flourishing relationships.

"As ‘The Walking Madonna’ purposefully strides out of the Cathedral Close towards Salisbury and into the wider world, so the members of Mothers’ Union go forward, strong in faith, and work to bring the love of Christ to all.

"Our Service concluded with Mary Sumner’s Personal Prayer –

"All this day, O Lord, let me touch as many lives as possible for thee; and every life I touch, do thou by thy spirit quicken, whether through the word I speak, the prayer I breathe, or the life I live.


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