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Home News An update from the Bournemouth William Temple Association

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An update from the Bournemouth William Temple Association

by Michael Ford last modified 05 Sep, 2020 11:29 AM

John Newbold writes:

An update from the Bournemouth William Temple Association

Original photo of the Marsham Court Hotel courtesy Wikimedia Commons/

Dear all,

I hope that you and your family and friends are all well and keeping safe. Let me bring you up to date with the current situation so far as WTA is concerned.

First of all, we had to cancel our meetings in April and May. Then as the lockdown proceeded we talked to the Marsham Court Hotel who have decided that they will be basically closed from September right through to March and therefore cannot accommodate us for our customary monthly evening meetings. However, they have our March, April and May meetings in their calendar. Our committee considered the options available and decided that we would plan for the evening meetings to start again in March when the hotel should be able to accommodate us.

We are aware that there is still some uncertainty about the future so we have decided not to print the usual programme card at this point. We have also decided that we will simply charge a £2 WTA monthly subscription fee to be added to the cost of the meal or to the hotel charge for those attending the lecture only.

So as to hopefully whet your appetites, I can tell you that, all being well, we will have the following talks:-

1. 1st March 2021 - "Head and Heart" - Ignatian spirituality and discernment" - Father Paul Keys St. Catherine's Church Wimborne

2. 12th April 2021 - "The Work of Moorlands College" - The Reverend Dr. David Hilborn - Principal of the College

3. 10th May 2021 - To be confirmed - The Right Reverend Debbie Sellin, Bishop of Southampton

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