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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
Time for Generous Giving

Time for Generous Giving

by Michael Ford 11 September 2021

This Sunday sees the launch of our Diocesan Generous Giving Campaign, with a week of prayer.

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Praying about Giving

Praying about Giving

by Michael Ford 11 September 2021

Our Diocesan Generous Giving campaign begins with a time to discern how we might engage and be open to hear how we might respond.

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1 Life, 1 Voice: Tackling modern slavery

1 Life, 1 Voice: Tackling modern slavery

by Michael Ford 11 September 2021

There are only 5 weeks to go before the #1Life1Voice Stop Modern Slavery project gets under way in this Diocese, and details of guest speakers are being released.

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Homes for Refugees

Homes for Refugees

by Michael Ford 11 September 2021

“It has definitely been a life-enhancing experience”, says Sarah Mais of the Shaftesbury Refugee Group as she reflects on three years of the group’s work to provide homes and support to Syrian families.

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Filling a need

Filling a need

by Michael Ford 11 September 2021

In our weekly Grapevine news, we asked parishes what they had been up to over the summer, and have had some response.

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Do join in!

Do join in!

by Michael Ford 11 September 2021

During the Generous Giving campaign we are encouraging you to explore for yourself.

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A pioneering pathway

A pioneering pathway

by Michael Ford 11 September 2021

Much pioneering ministry goes on at a local level, often quietly except for those directly involved, and by its very nature is mapping new territory. So how can we train others in this way of being and doing?

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'Tis the Season of Creation

'Tis the Season of Creation

by Michael Ford 11 September 2021

Creationtide, or the Season of Creation, is in full swing - the period in the annual church calendar from 1st September to 4th October, dedicated to God as Creator and Sustainer of all life.

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So long, farewell...

So long, farewell...

by Michael Ford 11 September 2021

After 13 years’ faithful service to the Diocese, Michael Ford, our Digital Resource Officer and co-editor of Grapevine is leaving us for pastures new.

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How are our children doing?

How are our children doing?

by Michael Ford 11 September 2021

The Children’s Society, a key partner for the Diocese in working with children, young people and families, celebrates its 140th anniversary this year and continues to work hard on their behalf.

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