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'Tis the Season of Creation

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Sep, 2021 02:03 AM

Creationtide, or the Season of Creation, is in full swing - the period in the annual church calendar from 1st September to 4th October, dedicated to God as Creator and Sustainer of all life.

The Parish Church of St John the Baptist, Tisbury, celebrated the start of Creationtide with an all-age service in the churchyard.

The service centred on an interactive interpretation of the Creation story from Genesis chapter 1, during which everyone brought forward symbols of the various phases of Creation to form a tableau.

Canon Judy Anderson, who led the service, said:

"Prayers were written on ‘leaves’ and pinned to the tablecloth, providing the basis for the intercessions. The Revd Juliette Hulme read a story illustrating the consequences of intensive farming on the food chain, which the children enjoyed enormously as they acted the parts of grass, grasshoppers, spiders, mice and so on.

'Tis the Season of Creation- all-age Creationtide display in progress in Tisbury
The all-age Creationtide display in progress in Tisbury

"She then led the congregation in thinking about changes we could make in the way we live to benefit the environment and slow the damage caused by humankind to God’s Creation.

"It was wonderful to see people of all ages enjoying the worship and joining in with such enthusiasm. Hopefully the service will have reminded us all of the abundance of God’s provision for us and of the need to be responsible stewards of what he has created.

"Several people were struck by the panel from ‘Threads through Creation’ reproduced on the order of service - by permission of the artist - and a trip to the Cathedral is being planned to see the exhibition."

You can find out more about the Season of Creation here.

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