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Time for Generous Giving

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Sep, 2021 02:05 AM

This Sunday sees the launch of our Diocesan Generous Giving Campaign, with a week of prayer.

As a Diocese, we want to transform our giving to reflect God's generosity to each and every one of us.

Throughout the Diocese, our parishes' finances have been affected by the pandemic and as we begin to return to worshipping in our buildings the Campaign allows us to look at why and how we give.

St Mary’s Parish Church West Moors is one of many joining the campaign, and the Revd Andy Muckle explains why he felt it was important for them to join in:

"As I have reflected on Generous Giving and what it means to share our time, talents and treasures for the service of the Kingdom, one of my favourite quotes (from Dag Hammarskjold) comes back to me:

“For all that has been thanks, For all that is to come, yes!”

"To me this is what it means to give generously and with the love of Christ in our hearts, to see what has come before and give thanks, and to look to the future with renewed hope."

Nigel Salisbury, Chair of the Diocesan Board of Finance welcomed the launch saying:

"The campaign is an important aspect of financial recovery for many churches across the Diocese, following the unprecedented hardships of the last 18 months.

"Recognising that ongoing financial pressures continue to afflict many, our church membership included, I nonetheless hope that the campaign will be supported generously by those who can. And I thank all those who have been involved in the development and roll out of the campaign to date.

"Please do take this opportunity to review your giving - as a church we depend substantially upon the generosity of our supporters and now perhaps more than ever we really do need your help.”

Last week, Bishop Karen encouraged as many parishes as were able to join in, saying:

“We worship a generous God who has blessed us with abundance. Giving and generosity should therefore be part of living out our faith as disciples of Jesus. And we know that giving and generosity can be transformative to the mission of our Church, and this includes digital giving which is key to the long-term sustainability of our churches and their ministry.

“I know for some, this will not be the time to join the campaign, but we welcome all those who can join in to use the materials at this time as God challenges each of us as Christians."

Gillian Clarke, Chair of the House of Laity at Diocesan Synod, especially welcomed the resources saying:

"So good to have this wide range of resources on Generous Giving. Flexible, so they can be adapted to suit our very different parishes and communities, they can be used at a time which best fits your local context.

"All our churches are facing financial challenges as we try to navigate our way back into church, building confidence and renewing our social activities and outreach.

"It's good to have help and support so no parish feels they have to face this alone. There's a framework with lots of resources to draw on as we aim to move forward together in a creative and positive way."

The campaign was the idea of Bishop Nicholas, who retired in July. He hoped it would leave a lasting legacy of generous sustainable giving throughout the Diocese.

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