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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
Remembering those taken from us

Remembering those taken from us

by Michael Ford 9 May 2019

A special service remembering those in the South lost to murder and manslaughter will take place next month in Bournemouth.

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Bellringers' Great War History published

Bellringers' Great War History published

by Michael Ford 9 May 2019

Our Salisbury Diocesan Guild of Ringers has published a Great War Memorial Booklet.

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Churches and bellringers to help celebrate VE Day, 75 years on

Churches and bellringers to help celebrate VE Day, 75 years on

by Michael Ford 9 May 2019

Churches and local bellringers are being asked to help commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE day next May.

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Clubbing together to reduce heating costs

Clubbing together to reduce heating costs

by Michael Ford 8 May 2019

An oil buying club that works with local churches and clergy to get the best possible price for heating oil is offering to help parishes throughout the Diocese bring down their heating bills.

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Leading pro-Palestinian activist speaks in the Diocese

Leading pro-Palestinian activist speaks in the Diocese

by Michael Ford 8 May 2019

A leading speaker and activist against the Israeli policy of demolishing Palestinian homes in the Occupied Territory is coming to our Diocese as part of his speaking tour.

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New Alabaré Chair

New Alabaré Chair

by Michael Ford 8 May 2019

Salisbury-based homeless charity Alabaré has appointed Richard Holman as Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

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Ramsbury PA gets a Snow treat

Ramsbury PA gets a Snow treat

by Michael Ford 8 May 2019

Our own Anna Wilde, PA to the Archdeacons of Wilts and Sarum got to meet TV historian Dan Snow when she won two tickets in a local newspaper competition.

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Seaside church's restoration work finally begins

Seaside church's restoration work finally begins

by Michael Ford 8 May 2019

Work has finally started on a 1/4-million-pound restoration project at St Andrew’s Church, Charmouth.

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Three Faiths lament a Catastrophe

Three Faiths lament a Catastrophe

by Michael Ford 8 May 2019

Muslims and Jews will join in a Service of Lamentation for the 1948 Nakba (Catastrophe) led by our Chaplain to Gypsies and Travellers.

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Lighting up our diocese with Prayer

Lighting up our diocese with Prayer

by Michael Ford 8 May 2019

Local parishes and communities throughout the Diocese are being encouraged to join with churches nationally to 'Light Up the World' for the Thy Kingdom Come initiative.

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