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Clubbing together to reduce heating costs

by Michael Ford last modified 08 May, 2019 05:04 PM

An oil buying club that works with local churches and clergy to get the best possible price for heating oil is offering to help parishes throughout the Diocese bring down their heating bills.

The Nadder Oil Buying Club operates within 15 miles of Salisbury and Shaftesbury and has over 825 members who order for 950 tanks. The club is always open to new Church members but its organiser, a local Churchwarden, is also offering to share the model with churches in others areas who might want to set up their own club.

Richard Willan said:

"The Nadder Oil Buying Club was set up six years ago by Andrea Fox my sister, and wife of Revd Colin Fox, now retired. Andrea felt that there was a need to collectively purchase domestic heating oil so she started the Nadder Oil Buying Club.

"Sadly she died, but I took on her original work and have grown the NOBC and we include churches, village halls shops offices etc.

"We manage to achieve better prices than any other supplier including internet suppliers. We must be doing something right as our membership keeps growing and our prices are very competitive.

"It occurred to me that you might want to circulate this to your Clergy and Lay contacts and enable them to save worthwhile amounts of money. We already have many Clergy, Churchwardens (I am one), Laity etc but I am always open to helping others reduce their heating fuel oil costs.

"You will see from the website that we are independent of all suppliers, and members pay direct to the fortnight’s chosen supplier. Needless to say, the club reduces the number of tanker miles significantly as a result of allowing the suppliers to plan very cost effective routes."

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