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Home News Lighting up our diocese with Prayer

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Lighting up our diocese with Prayer

by Michael Ford last modified 08 May, 2019 03:36 PM

Local parishes and communities throughout the Diocese are being encouraged to join with churches nationally to 'Light Up the World' for the Thy Kingdom Come initiative.

When a parish commits to pray and registers their intent on the Thy Kingdom Come website, their area will light up on a map.

Emma Buchan, Thy Kingdom Come Project Director said:

"We wanted to share with you a new feature on the Thy Kingdom Come website to focus all our prayers for our local communities. ‘Light up the World’ can be found online at

"Put simply – when you register an event or pledge to pray your local area will light up. As more people commit to prayer so more of the country will be lit up – showing the spread of prayer over our parishes, dioceses and nation.

"It would be wonderful if Salisbury Diocese could encourage local parishes and communities to pledge to pray and to register on the website so that Salisbury shows more and more light as we get closer to Thy Kingdom Come 2019."

Bishop Nicholas has also written to all parishes inviting them to gather together as a Diocese on Pentecost Sunday at Salisbury Cathedral to mark the culmination of these 11 days of prayer for evangelism.

In his letter, the Bishop says:

"Through the centuries Christians have gathered at Pentecost to pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit. Archbishop Justin Welby’s call to pray ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ picks up this tradition.

"Last year you were one of the 1,200 people who booked a ticket to join with other Christians in Salisbury Cathedral praying "Thy Kingdom Come". We saw Christians from over 80 churches join us and we are expecting even more this year. We’d love you to join us again this year on 9th June at 7.00pm, as we unite once again to worship and pray for our friends, families, churches, communities and world, particularly our nation.

"In praying 'Thy Kingdom Come' we all commit to playing our part in the renewal of the nations and the transformation of communities. I believe that there is real power in Christians coming together in unity and I hope you will book your free tickets to join together as part of this global wave of prayer."

The speaker at the Cathedral on Pentecost Sunday will be Rachel Jordan-Wolf who is the National Mission and Evangelism Advisor to the Church of England and the worship will be led by a team of musicians drawn from local churches in Salisbury, led by Rory Malone from St Francis.

Event page here

This year alongside the main event there will be a special prayer and worship event for young people aged 11-18 within the Cathedral Close at Bishop Wordsworth’s School. Tickets for the youth event can be booked from the same webpage.

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