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Remembering those taken from us

by Michael Ford last modified 09 May, 2019 10:23 AM

A special service remembering those in the South lost to murder and manslaughter will take place next month in Bournemouth.

The service is organised by Churches Together in Dorset and parishes are encouraged to invite those within their communities who might find the service helpful.

Last April saw the first ever Service of Remembrance in the South for those whose lives were cut short by murder, manslaughter, or similar. Some 50 people came together to remember those who had cruelly been taken from them. Thankfully, the pain of losing someone dear to you through murder is experienced only by a few.

This year the service will take place on Saturday 8 June at 11am, at St Peter’s Church in Bournemouth Town Centre. Organiser Revd Dr David Wheeler said:

"This service fulfils such a need; to have someone you love killed by another is perhaps the worst thing that can ever happen to someone.

"The pain lasts for decades and so few people understand. The service is gentle; a couple of hymns, prose and poetry read by members of the congregation telling not just of the extreme anguish felt, but also of the endurance of the human spirit, such as:

""Sometimes, when the sun goes down it seems it will never rise again but it will."

""Just being in the company of others who have suffered as you have helps so much."

"The central act is the reading of the names of those ‘whose lives have been cut short’ and the lighting of candles in their memory.

But he added:
"I appreciate that even reading a story like this can take people back to very dark places, and I can be contacted on if you want to talk."

SAMM (Support after Murder & Manslaughter) operates a helpline on 0845 872 3440 (local call rates) and their website is available at

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