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Diocesan News

by gord — last modified 26 Mar, 2019 01:17 PM
Jesus College hits the right note in Wiltshire!

Jesus College hits the right note in Wiltshire!

by Michael Ford 12 November 2019

In a first for Edington, the Jesus College Choir from Cambridge will lead the Advent concert in the Priory Church.

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My journey with St Benedict

My journey with St Benedict

by Michael Ford 12 November 2019

We have a rich vein of Benedictine spirituality in this Diocese. Katrine Hartley tells us more.

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Poole Passion Play is back

Poole Passion Play is back

by Michael Ford 12 November 2019

2020 will see the popular Poole Passion Play return to the town.

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Wanted - Children and Families Minister

Wanted - Children and Families Minister

by Michael Ford 12 November 2019

St Luke’s Church in Parkstone is looking for a Children's and Families Minister to join their team.

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Places of refuge, not harm

Places of refuge, not harm

by Michael Ford 12 November 2019

Christian psychologist Dr Diane Langberg is holding a one-day conference on power and abuse in the Church.

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2020 Church Fees are published

2020 Church Fees are published

by Michael Ford 12 November 2019

The list of 2020 fees for everything from the cost of a Church wedding to a burial in a churchyard is now available from the Church of England.

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I See You

I See You

by Michael Ford 12 November 2019

An art installation made up of nearly entitled 6,000 handmade squares of fabric has been created to highlight the plight of women persecuted for their faith and gender.

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The Parliamentary Choir

The Parliamentary Choir

by Michael Ford 12 November 2019

(With huge thanks to the New Yorker Magazine)

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Harsh weather brings risk to our churches

Harsh weather brings risk to our churches

by Michael Ford 12 November 2019

Harsh weather linked to climate change will leave hundreds of English churches at risk of destruction or closure this winter, author and activist Bill Bryson has reportedly warned.

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We Will Remember Them

We Will Remember Them

by Michael Ford 6 November 2019

Throughout our Diocese we will be gathering on Sunday to Remember.

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