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Home News Harsh weather brings risk to our churches

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Harsh weather brings risk to our churches

by Michael Ford last modified 12 Nov, 2019 11:00 AM

Harsh weather linked to climate change will leave hundreds of English churches at risk of destruction or closure this winter, author and activist Bill Bryson has reportedly warned.

Harsh weather brings risk to our churches

Original photo courtesy Wikimedia Commons

There are 900 churches registered on Historic England’s “at risk” list.

Conservationists say they need support to prevent and repair damage caused by rain, wind, snow and ice, with heritage experts warning many are being ravaged especially severely because of climate change.

Mr Bryson, vice-president of the National Churches Trust (NCT) has told the Times newspaper it was England’s “national responsibility” to protect England’s historic places of worship.

The NCT says it has received a record number of applications from Churches, numbering in the hundreds.

“Nothing embodies a quintessential Christmas like a historic church in the snow,” Bryson said.

“But winter is when these ancient and often fragile buildings are most at risk of serious damage from snow, ice, wind and rain.

“Historic churches are Britain’s wonders of the world, yet they are more at risk from winter weather than people realise.

“I urge the British public to help protect historic churches... The winter would be bleak indeed without them.”

Richard Carr-Archer, surveyor emeritus of York Minster and a trustee of the NCT, said:

“The impact of climate change is seeing wetter and windier winter weather. Higher levels of rainfall, with more cycles of wetting and drying, cause damage to timber and stonework [and] stronger winds and more frequent storms threaten roofs, towers and spires.”

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