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We Will Remember Them

by Michael Ford last modified 06 Nov, 2019 05:26 PM

Throughout our Diocese we will be gathering on Sunday to Remember.

We Will Remember Them

Photo by Johannes Plenio

Remembrance Sunday is held in the United Kingdom as a day "to commemorate the contribution of British and Commonwealth military and civilian servicemen and women in the two World Wars and later conflicts" and most of our churches will be holding services of commemoration.

Many communities will hold parades and gather by war memorials where the names of the fallen from that community will be read out to those gathered.

Wreaths will be laid and we will stand in silence as we remember the sacrifice made by those who did not return.

Last year was one hundred years since the guns fell silent at the end of WW1, but this year more focus will be given to subsequent wars and the many victims, both military and civilian.

2019 marks the 80th anniversary of the arrival of the first wave of World War 2 evacuees in Salisbury. They began to arrive here on 1st September 1939, 2 days before war was declared. As part of Salisbury’s celebration of Remembrance, Bemerton History Society will be hosting an exhibition in Salisbury Guildhall on Sunday 10th and 11th November. It will tell the story of the arrival of children and their teachers from Portsmouth and the welcome they received.

For details of your local Remembrance Service, visit a and if you are holding a service make sure the details are available on your page.

If you are holding a service this year, we would love to know about it - and don't forget you can include us in your posts by using the hashtag '#dosalremembrance'.

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